30 September 2012

Shabby Chic Cushions

A few months ago I joined Pinterest (yeah, I know, I know, a million miles behind everyone else). And on my 'Home' board, I suddenly realised that everything I like in interior design is white. And my home is anything but!

So, I've decided that — while I can't own the house I'd like to have — I can at least create the interior design I'd like. And I love simple shabby chic / beach / country sort of style ... not the frilly stuff with sappy sentiments, but the sparse, weathered, somewhat French countryside, beach house sort of look. Old glass, cut crystal, white jugs. That sort of thing.

What I like about this style, too, is that it's inexpensive. Make do, use what's to hand, rummage around in op shops, paint things, make it yourself, adapt and be creative.

This is my first reformation of my soft furnishings — some simple and quick cushion covers for the sofa (which will eventually get a white dust cover).

The one on the left is a white t-shirt (op shop) with a lace overlay (remnant of window curtain lace stuff, free).

The one on the right is a t-shirt, too (also op shop), which a great 'Frenchy' print, with words and sequins!

I simply cut out two squares from the t-shirt, 45 cm square for these particular ones, used the shirt's hem edge as the opening for the cover, and stitched together the other three sides. Popped the old cushion insert in, and hand-sewed them shut.

With the lace one, I sewed the piece of lace onto the white square first, and then added the back piece of the cushion cover, and sewed the lot together.

Easy peasy!

Also - this is my 600th post!! Goodness me!