07 December 2005

True confessions

I admit it, I am an op shop addict (although not as bad as Taphophile, it's true). In the past week I have nabbed this bag of 100% wool (now skeined and washed), and got 5 pairs of needles, including a set of 5mm circular needles (for 20¢).

I am also a magazine tragic - when I heard the new YARN magazine has just been published, I decided I had to go to our local newsagent, just in case they had it - oh yeah, and, um, I needed to do some banking and get some groceries. Yeah.
So I was shattered to not find it on their shelves, and the staff pleading ignorance - still, the manager said to check again in a few days, and give them the distributor info too.

While wandering the aisles feeling cheated of my new knitting magazine fix, I found The Knitting Directory by Alison Jenkins on sale ($9.95) (here's a review). It's spiral bound, which is very convenient, with a tough cover. While it covers a lot of basics that I already know, these will be good for my teen dotter, who is a beginning knitter; and the collection of knitted patterns, while not comprehensive, is good.

Damn, I should be cooking dinner.


  1. I HEARD that! I like to think of myself as a lifelong and enthusiastic supporter of a number of fine charities. :P

  2. As you are indeed :D But I can still go into most op shops and they don't know me by name... LOL!


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