14 April 2007

Proto Projects

Drum roll please - here it is... I got the Tosca! It's a warm blue with grey. Very nice. And wonderfully soft! Although I am a little peeved that yesterday I received the 2007-2008 Bendigo Shade Card in the mail, and they now have a dark olive green (called Sphere) in the Alpaca, which I would have chosen. Timing :/

In my Bendigo order I also got Rustic Midnight Tweed for Dotter to knit her Mariah in, and one ball of Rustic 8ply in Peppercorn- a soft olive green with light brown - to make a quick lace shawl for a family member who's having a birthday soon. I'm using the Forest Canopy shawl pattern again (same one I'm knitting in pink, so I know it off by heart), on 5mm needles, so it should be fast. The Rustic is very nice to knit with. I started the shawl at 9am this morning, and got to here in less than 2 hours.

Here's the Misty Raspberry alpaca mohair merino blend that I got in Braidwood. (The Rare Yarns web site is http://www.rareyarns.com.au if you want to visit.) The yarn is just gorgeous. Hopefully this will become a lace shawl or scarf that I can actually wear (my previous attempts with mohair have been too itchy for me).

And last of all - while I was in Batehaven I got the latest issue of Yarn, and in Braidwood there's a lamp / glass shop (a few doors up from the Alpaca Centre) which used to house a craft shop - the crafty stock is slowly being sold off (yarn, needles, patterns, embriodery supplies, lace, ribbons etc). I found one 2.25 mm circular needle, for only $3.50. I want to try the magic loop method for socks, so needed a circ in this gauge. Brain is too foggy to attempt this now, though.

The Tosca gauge swatch has been washed and blocked... I'm going to measure it soon to see if I've 'got gauge' for Mariah. I'm in that weird doped-to-the-eyeballs state from having taken a lot of Panadeine for a very bad headache... vision is blurred, stomach is ill, generally feeling pretty sick. I'd go back to bed only hubby is there snoring loudly (I had to get up at 5am to find my ear plugs, and even then they weren't enough!). I think even Lulu has picked up something, as she's sneezing now and then...

Knitting easy stuff is all I'm up to, really. Time for a quiet weekend!


  1. oh photo-heavy post! Love it.

    Yes, excellent choice in Tosca. I think your Mariah will be gorgeous. Bugger about the shadecard arrviving after we ordered. i had similar thoughts. God they really need to get a website or some better form of communication happening.

    that Misty Raspberry is gorgeous!!! I want to touch it! I feel an urge to drive to braidwood coming on.

    Keep me posted on the gauge swatch. I'm ready to cast on whenever you guys are.

    Take care - you sound quite unwell!

  2. I completely LOVE this shade (it's the one nominated!). I reckon this is going to look gorgeous knitted up as Mariah.

    You really needed the holiday, although I'm sorry you came back with such a headache. Hubby would have been quite good at giving drinks and comfort while you were away and I'm sure that if dotter was seriously ill, you wouldn't have left!

  3. Hope you've had a quiet weekend and are feeling better.

    Tosca is lovely, what a gorgeous soft shade. Quite a nice package from BWM all up!

    And that misty raspberry is devine....maybe a SnB excursion to Braidwood???


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