18 July 2007

Open for Business!

The doors are open, the stock is all new and shiny, and PayPal is behaving itself (at last; trust me, you don't want to know the details) - The MoxWord Shop is up and running! Woo hooo!

MoXWord is my mobile phone crossword program (you might like to download the free copy from the shop) but I'm also using my X-Cart shopping cart to process sales of my Knitting Art cards.

Please note, the online ordering and payments will only work within Australia, at this stage, simply because calculating overseas postage automatically is horribly complicated. Hopefully when I'm more experienced at running X-Cart I can figure out a way to do this.

So, if you live outside of Australia, and want to order cards, just contact me directly (there's a link on the shop site) and place your order by email - I'll give you a quote on postage, and we can do the PayPal thing.

If you live in the USA or Canada, do look at my CafePress store too. The postage costs are much much less than getting cards shipped from Oz, and there's a bigger range of merchandise too. I can vouch for the printing, it's good quality. The only thing you can't get from CafePress is the medley pack of cards, with one of each of the four designs.

Time for a celebratory cuppa tea!

In puppy news, the vet's called - he doesn't think Lily's cruciate ligament is ruptured, but her knee cap really needs to be stablised, so she's having tiny knee reconstruction surgery at this moment. Dislocating knees are very common in chihuahuas (and other tiny dogs, no doubt), and worse as they get older (she's nearly 12). She'll be in overnight. I left her a blankie to sleep on from home.


  1. Oh poor Lily. Hope she bounces back quickly. She will be so happy to see you tomorrow, poor darling.

  2. BTW I checked out your cards at Crafts ACT and they look gorgeous! We get so used to looking at art and photos on screen, but print really does your art more justice I think.

  3. hooray for the shop! Hooray!

    And poor Lily. Such a little body - it's nasty to think it being operated on.

  4. Great news about the store - I'm off to amend my Aussie Producers list. Yay, Jejune!

  5. Yay! Well done, you!

    Good news that its not the worst case for Lily, but sad that she's away overnight. Fingers crossed for a speedy recovery - I hope you've got a nice big cozy warm bag of WIPs for her to curl up on when she gets home!!

  6. Sending some TLC via cyber waves to Lily - I'm sure she's in good hands and will be well taken care of upon her return home. Wishing her a speedy recovery once the surgery is over.

    Congrats on being in business with your cards!

  7. Yay for the shop! Blessings on Lily and on Dotter and on everyone you love.

  8. Awww, poor puppy... I hope she's OK, and home soon. I'm off to check out your shop!

  9. I've not only got some cards already (and can therefore testify to the yummy, thick, quality card stock and beautiful paintings), but I've already posted one even! I couldn't have left Knit1Blog1 without them!

  10. Loved your knit art on CafePress, Jejune. I hope they will make a mixed set of the cards available soon--I can't settle for just one of them. 8^) ~Stacie in California


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