08 October 2007

Red, red wine

Here's the preliminary drawing for my next Knitting Art painting - I know many knitters enjoy a good glass of wine with their knitting, so this painting has a glass of red, with a sock on the needles (Regia Mosaik yarn), and a very intricate lace tablecloth. Drawing the lace alone has taken about 4 hours... I really hope I don't muck this one up and have to start again! More photos as work progresses :)

In house hunting news - well, not much news. We keep looking at places, along with a lot of other people, and haven't found a suitable place yet. Stories from the coal face :

One house we looked at in Chisholm was advertised on AllHomes on Wednesday, the open house was at 2pm the next day, and a lease was signed by 5pm.

Another house we were really keen on was in Oxley - I called up this morning to be put on the list for when it was open for viewing (as the AllHomes listing told me to do), and was told the lease had just been signed - WTF! There had been no publicised open house at all.

I'm now calling up real estate agents asking to be put on 'the list', giving them the particulars of what we're looking for. Many agents don't do this, so I'm mostly drawing blanks. Having Lily is also a major problem, most places say NO PETS. I'm hoping we don't have to find her a new home :(

The estate agents for selling our current home are coming over this afternoon, to look over the place, and tell us what happens next. We have 8 weeks from the exchange of contracts to be out of here, so we have some time up our sleeves. We're packing anyway, as once we sign a new lease we have to be ready to move immediately. I'm mostly coping OK, with occasional panic attacks and bouts of depression.


  1. Oh all that moving stuff sucks! Good luck with the searching.

    On a brighter note, your painting looks great - looking forward to seeing the end product!

  2. Would you really have to give up Lily? Haven't you had her since she was a pup?

  3. Oh, good luck. I completely understand the panic attacks. It's terrible to feel such a lack of control. Here's hoping the universe sends you the perfect situation.

  4. Trying to find a house is Awful and Stressful. Take care of yourself.

    You can't pass Lily off as a third child? Put a bonnet on her and she'd get away with it - she's awfully cute!

  5. grrrr horrible canberra rental market.... if i were you i would not mention the dog and go anyway, shes a tiny little thing and very easy to hide. i signed a lease in canberra with a special clause for one dog but i had two and never got sprung... i totally sympathise with you right now

  6. My heart goes out to you - I HATE moving and after our last move swore I would never move again - I swear - the only way they will get me out of here is in a box!

  7. It's really hard with pets - with demand the way it is it's easy for owners to just pick the non-pet people. At least you're not a dreaded "group house".

    We were naughty and got the dogs, then the permission. Unusual for me and lucky it worked out. But if we had to move now we would be in the same boat as you, so I really feel for you.

  8. Several years ago my inlaws bought a place because the unit they were living in was being sold. MIL didn't want to risk losing her cat in case the new owners didn't allow pets. It was a case of severely jumping the gun.

    Because of the stress level I'm sensing, I'm going to venture a guess that there is no possibility that new owners aren't buying just to rent the place out.

  9. Lovely art work, but very disappointing about the whole moving thing. I really hope you find something soon. I would be feeling boogelly too if I was worried about Harki and Peri.... Happy Hunting!!


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