20 September 2008

Argyle socks

Just a quick one - had to share this Mutts comic with you ...

I had a lovely birthday yesterday, many thanks to everyone who sent me birthday wishes, cards and even pressies (yes, there was some special yarn!!). Another 'gift' was my author's contract arriving by FedEx from the USA!

Dinner at my sister's home was a real treat - she and her husband and little boy are recently back in Australia after many years living in London. It's just wonderful having them nearby again!

Still not frightfully well ... bugger it.


  1. d'oh, I thought your birthday was this weekend! So happy belated birthday wishes from me!! Sounds like you had a great day, hope the weekend is good too! (and the author contract is not too scary!)

  2. Happy Birthday! Congratulations! Get Well Soon! All that and a funny cartoon as well! Take care

  3. Yay for contracts in the mail! And I'll add my belated Happy Birthday wishes. I hope you're feeling more chipper and up to reading all the fine print.

  4. Happy Birthday, Jejune! a contract is always a nice way to celebrate : ) Hopefully sickness will be banished soon.

  5. Sorry to hear you have not been feeling well. Hope you are better soon. Congrats on your contract.


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