13 October 2007


Guess what? The next issue of YARN (Issue 8) is going to show my Knitting Art cards!! Wooo hooo!

I sent out samples to a few places a while ago, and recently heard that YARN will definitely be reviewing my stuff in the next issue, which is running late, but will hopefully be out soon! I'm packaging up sets of cards ready for the (hoped for) onslaught ;)

Thank you Barbara! :D

In housey news, we looked at the outside (and in the windows) of this place in Gordon today - it looks great - 4 bedrooms, double storey, big garage, looks out over parkland, GORGEOUS kitchen etc. There is a 'no pets' policy, but this place has been on the market since mid-August, and they've just reduced the rent, so the owners must be having trouble getting tenants. We're going to inspect it (I've already called the real estate agent) and almost definitely apply - the owners can then decide whether they're going to let a little cute chihuahua stand in the way of getting some good tenants.


  1. Congratulations! When does that come out? I should order before the big rush. (I keep meaning to, keep not getting to it...it's so hard to decide, all the pretty choices!!)

  2. Wowsers...that is amazing news. It's the kind of news that was worth the wait. I am so happy for you.....

  3. That's such good news about Yarn - you so deserve it!!!

    And good luck on the house - it does sound great. Just don't introduce the owners to Lulu...(tee hee!)

  4. Congrats on getting in the magazine! Perfect timing with the holidays coming up. The house looks perfect, my fingers are crossed and you can have the karma I have stored in my karma bank!

  5. fantastic news, and i hope the house works out too. its (dis) heartening to see rents in canberra havent improved since we left, do you know you pay as much for a house there as you do in sydney. crazy!! good luck xx

  6. congrats on the publicity! and fingers crossed on the house. :) xx


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