This is what I ordered from Germany, and she kindly found and ferried home, fending off the advances of feral knitters far and wide!
- 2 balls of Geniale by Schachenmayr nomotta. It's 50% merino 50% acrylic, and is basically a knitted tape. I love the olive green - purple - blue colours. This is a trick inclusion - no, it's NOT sock yarn!
- The Opal looks innocuous, but is in fact CRAZY yarn. The socks will knit up looking as if there's cool tyre tracks printed on top of the base pattern. Opal Crazy, Colour 1904.
- 2 balls of Regia Mosaik Color, one in pinks/oranges/browns for me (5565), and one in blues/greens/browns for Hubby (5558). They knit up very nicely - see? With only 1 ball of each, they'll need to be ankle socks, or I suppose I could add solid coloured Patonyle for ribbing, heels, and toes...
Not in this pic are 2 balls of lovely tigery red and black sock yarn for Dotter, which she is knitting into socks as I speak! She will hopefully post pics on her Blog :)
I am actually making some progress on my mother's vest again. I must admit I don't much like this yarn, it sheds fibres over me while I'm knitting. But I shall persevere. The pattern is pretty easy to remember, so it's good TV knitting.
Dale over at Stitch'n Time at Mawson has very kindly put some samples of my Knitting Art cards on display under the glass counter. She won't place an order with me until there is 'demonstrated interest' from her customers. So if you're over that way, and feel so inclined, do hunt them out :)
In breaking news - Lulu has got out at Craft ACT, and tried to make off with a necklace (I think it's one of Olivia's creations)! You have to check it out... I'm still laughing!
Love that Regia yarn - maybe you buy a contrast plain yarn and do mosaic socks (which I'd love to try one day!).
ReplyDeleteI've been wondering how you've coped without Lulu - you are probably glad to have a little break from her antics!!
Love those sock yarns!! Lulu is so cheeky, but she gave me a good laugh :)
ReplyDeleteooh lucky jejune! I cant wait to see how that crazy Opal works out, have been watching it from afar in a state of curiousity.
ReplyDeleteand i'm sure you could knit tape socks if you really wanted to ;)
Oh wow, what fantastic sock wool!!! The crazy is, well, crazy!! I will wait impatiently to see it knitted up!!!
ReplyDeleteI didn't know they could do sock wool like that! Clever, clever people!
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to see it all made up. I also can't wait to finish off my current rounds of WIPs so that I can start the lacy scarf with my silky Regia wool from Georgie. It's yummy stuff.
that is such clever sock wool. I am so glad I got to see some of this stuff up close the other night. I'll enjoy watching you crank out the socks. After you finish the vest, obviously. ;-)
ReplyDeleteOh, that naughty lamb! Her undercover trick was my favorite!
ReplyDeleteThe sock yarn is to envy! I can definitely see the Regia used Faire Isle style with a solid or two. Happy knitting!
I love the vest color and pattern. It is so feminine and soft looking. Opal makes such neat yarns if you want fun socks. My first pair of socks was knit with one of their self striping yarns and I didn't know it was self striping and was impressed all the way through the sock knitting process.
ReplyDeleteThat Opal is so neat - I'd never seen it before (so now of course will be obsessed with finding...) with the tire track-y things. How do they do it, I wonder? Nuts, I tell ya' - kinda like htat Lulu...
ReplyDeleteI thought that I could be good and not purchase any more sock yarn for a while.....Now just look what you've done....Now I'll have to go wool shop hopping to see if I can find any of that Opal Crazy sock yarn.